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Sreemoolanagaram, inside the village

2017-10-23| Askar Isabekov

I determined rules of my day: two hour morning birding, then working time until 4pm, and then 1 or 1,5 hour evening birding. Today my morning and evening birding were in the same spot, in the no man land near the residence where I live. At morning I went deep to land and found the pond with the flock of Lesser Whistling Ducks. First time Ducks didn't pay attention to me, then about half of them flushed and rounded above th pond some time. I turn my attention to the tree, in the shadow of leaf of which I noticed the birds activity. Firstly I saw White-cheeked Barbet (new bird for me), then Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Oriental Magpie Robin and some Red-whiskered Bulbuls. All birds changed one to another in the same branches. I was need only to take photos. But it was some hot to stay in sun, and the birds moved from the “magic” tree, therefore I also change my observation point. I noticed bird in the top of acacia, it was the Brown Shrike, the rare bird which be visible outside shadow of trees. Other ones I saw in open area were Green Bee-eaters, Black Drongos and on flying by Black-headed Ibis. Bee-eaters were feeding in the ground, and were looking very nice between the drops of water. Grass was wet and my sneakers became wet very quickly. I came back to room with the idea I found the perfect spot for the rest time in this village.

At 4pm I of course went to the same spot, and at once noticed very little and very colorful bird with long curved bill. It was Long-billed Sunbird. I saw two or three of this bird but only first one was very calm and gave me opportunity to take photos from a short distance. Sure this bird is the Bird of the Day, firstly because it is my lifer, secondly it was very nice, and at last, it was very calm and was posing for me with the spider in the bill. In addition to this perfect bird I found Rufous Treepie, Greater Racket-tailed Drongos, and a lot of Red-whiskered Bulbuls under the crowns of trees. The pond gave me the record of couple of Purple Swamphen, also good birds.

At the third day I started to identify some of sounds I am hearing everyday. The loudly “Du Du Du” apply to Greater Coucal as I suggested. The loudly clicking in tree-crowns is of probably Tailorbirds or Palm Squirrels, and the whistling more likely apply to Oriental Magpie Robins, also common bird here. But the most popular is House Crow. Some of Crows I saw today were with small twigs in bill. It means they are building the nest. Does House Crow breeds in winter time, or more likely all year around.

1. Long-billed Sunbird (Cinnyris lotenius)

2. Brown Shrike (Lanius cristatus)

3. White-cheeked Barbet (Megalaima viridis)

4. Asian Paradise-Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi)

5. Oriental Magpie-Robin (Copsychus saularis)

6. Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus)

7. Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis)

8. Long-billed Sunbird (Cinnyris lotenius)

9. Juvenile Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)

10. Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio)

11. Rufous Treepie (Dendrocitta vagabunda)

12. Jungle Myna (Acridotheres fuscus)

13. Indian Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum)

14. Byasa polyeuctes

2017-12-24. Sergey L. Volkov:

13. Yeah, this is Funambulus palmarum.

2017-12-25. Askar Isabekov:

Thanks Sergey!

2018-06-27. Suresh Babu:

We would like to know more about birds club and its activities and members

Please advise


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